Public Relations Alum Accepts Position Managing all North America Communications for Amazon Logistics

We recently caught up with Murray State JMC Alumnus, Heather Mix (PR 2017), to discuss the journey that took her from the classrooms of Wilson HALL to Internal Communication Specialist for Amazon.

Q: What did your professional path after college look like?
A: I like to think of my professional path as more of a winding road. My first job out of college was as a personal banker at Regions bank. It certainly wasn’t what I wanted to do, but it allowed me to pay for my first apartment after I moved to Nashville. Shortly after moving I was offered a position as an Account Executive with Conversion Interactive Agency. I worked there for a short time before moving on to a position with Bayard Advertising, based out of New York, as an Account Manager.

It was while working at Bayard that I heard Amazon was opening a hub here in Nashville. Once positions started to open there, I quickly applied for a role I knew I was qualified for and I landed the job as a Marketing Coordinator. Two months into my position I was promoted to Marketing Specialist where my campaigns helped recruit over 54,000 new Amazonians during the Covid-19 pandemic.

I became really involved in Amazon’s internal DEI and networking organization which led to an offer to become an Internal Communication Specialist where I own internal communications for business lines such as World-Wide Physical Stores and Grocery, Rural Super Rural, Sub-Same-Day, Amazon Logistics and more. Outside of these day-to-day roles, I have worked with organizations including the Country Music Association as an Artist Liaison for events like CMA Fest and the CMA Awards, and I worked as a freelance writer for The Country Source.

Q: What fills your time now, professionally and otherwise?
A: In my downtime I like to work on renovating my home in East Nashville; I hang out with my
kitten, Oliver, or find a greenway around Nashville where I can go for a run. Professionally, you can find
me assisting with executive communications, proactive storytelling, crisis communications, change
management and so much more.

Q: How did your academic experience at Murray State guide you in your post-grad pursuits?
A: I stayed in close contact with my JMC professors, particularly Elizabeth Thomas, Dr. Tim Vance, Dr. Marcie Hinton and Gill Welsch. A couple of these professors wrote letters of recommendation for me that
helped me attain several of the positions I have worked in. Additionally, all of the hands-on work
that we had in our classes really helped me find my confidence and voice, so by the time I was in the
workplace I had no issue sharing my ideas and raising my hand when new opportunities came my way.

Q: Did you have any JMC internship opportunities or relationships that have influenced your career thus far?
A: Absolutely. I had a few internships including PR360, working with Murray Independent
School Districts as a PR interm, as a Communication Coordinator with MMA Creative, and the World Food
Championships. I was closely mentored by professor Elizabeth Thomas and Dr. Marcie Hinton, who were my PRSSA Advisors at the time; they helped me land some of my internships. Additionally, while working at MMA, the CEO, Mike McCloud, had a tattoo that said, “start now.” That was a phrase that has always stuck with me, and has really driven me to just do the next “thing.”

Q: What extracurricular activites were you involved in at Murray State?
A: When I wasn’t working or in class, I was heavily involved with the MSu Chapter of PRSSA (Public Relations Student Society of America) and its Bateman team. PRSSA provided me with several opportunities that helped shape my resume after college. It also helped me find my best friend, Alissa Galyon, who was the 2016-2017 PRSSA President. I recently served as her Maid of Honor in her 2023 wedding. Our friendship is thriving and that is something I am so grateful for.

Q: What advice do you have for new JMC majors?
A: Remember that you get what you stand in line for. You are your greatest advocate; so don’t be afraid to toot your own horn. Write, write, write! Keep your skills sharp, and learn to use Microsoft Excel so you can make data-driven decisions within your strategies. Networking is just as important as having a strong skillset, so get involved and stay involved in professional groups after graduation.

Faculty/Staff JMC Dept. Noteworthy

Dr. Debbie Owens Retires After 22 Years with Murray State JMC Department

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Faculty/Staff JMC Dept.

A Note from the Chair

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JMC Dept.

PRSSA Members Bid Fond Farewell to Class of 2024 Graduating Seniors

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